Foto de Erna Y ( Antunes ) Brasil

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Erna Y has 48 years of artistic experience in painting, sculpture and tapestry. She got her degree in the Viena Art Academy and afterwards she studied with Ziskovic in Austria. Her works have been exhibited in Yugoslavia, Portugal, Japan, USA, and Brazil. She was an artistic consultant of the Minas Gerais state governement, and the mentor and organizer of the Ouro Preto and Mariana Winter Festival. Erna Y has organized several fine arts exhibits around Brazil. She is a staff...

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Erna Y has 48 years of artistic experience in painting, sculpture and tapestry. She got her degree in the Viena Art Academy and afterwards she studied with Ziskovic in Austria. Her works have been exhibited in Yugoslavia, Portugal, Japan, USA, and Brazil. She was an artistic consultant of the Minas Gerais state governement, and the mentor and organizer of the Ouro Preto and Mariana Winter Festival. Erna Y has organized several fine arts exhibits around Brazil. She is a staff member of the Brazilian Art Academy and was awarded with the Pedro Americo Golden Insignia. The following organizations have her works in their offices: Brasil Bank, City Bank, Bank Kly Winter & CO, Banque Société Genérale, Safeco Group, Sheraton Hotel, Everest Rio Hotel, Coca-Cola, Rio Palace Hotel, J.C.A ( Japan Creator's Association).


1956 - Individual exhibition at the National Society of Fine Arts, Lisbon, Portugal.
1957 - Collective Exhibition at the National Society of Fine Arts, Lisbon, Portugal.
1957 - Individual exhibit at the Silva Porto Salon, Oporto, Portugal.
1959 - Individual exhibit at the Brazilian Press Association (ABI), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1965 - Individual exhibition at the Church of N.S. of Copacabana salon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1965 - Organized by Erna Y, the 1st Cultural and Arts Winter Festival of Ouro Preto and Mariana, Minas Gerais.
1965 - Movie documentary about Erna Y and her art, produced by Herbert Richards, was exhibited at cinemas in all Brazil.
1965 - Erna Y founds the Mariana (Minas Gerais)School of Arts.
1966 - Goeldi Gallery, Rio de Janeiro- Erna's students' 1st Exhibition: "THE YOUNG
1966 - Movie documentary produced by Channel 100 and directed by Carlos Niemeyer was exhibited at cinemas throughout Brazil.
1967 - Santa Paula Quitandinha, Petropolis, RJ. Erna Y's students' 2nd Exhibition "THE YOUNG PAINTERS OF MARIANA."
1969 - Diploma granted to Erna as Honorary Member of the State's Brazilian Academy of Fine Arts.
1970 - VII Brazilian Fine Arts Salon, Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), Rio of January. 1st prize, Gold Medal.
1970 - honored by Ministry of Education and Culture(MEC)with the Pedro Américo Medal for her contribution to Brazilian art.
1981 - in July Erna organized the 1st Cultural Encounter of Barra of Tijuca, in the Sombra Móveis Decorations Store, with the participation of Rio de Janeiro's oldest tapestry makers, such as Concessa Colaço, Madeleina Colaço and many others .
1985 - Received Commemorative medal and diploma from the State of Minas Gerais, for relevant services rendered to the communities of Mariana and Ouro Preto, MG.
1985 - Erna Y jury in the Cultural and Arts Festival of Mariana - MG - Special Guest.
1988 - Erna donates a sculpture to the Frei Luiz Orphanage, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (1.80m / bronze - Woman surrounded by Children)-RJ.
1990 - Exposition at the Nini Gallery, Curitiba, Paraná.
1991 - Exposition at the Nini Gallery, Curitiba, Paraná.
1991 - Individual exhibition at the Art Office, Goiania, Goiás.
1991 - Individual exhibition at the Época Gallery, Goiânia, Goiás.
1991 - Mention in the JCA (Japan´s Creator Association) ANNUAL 9 book (Japanese Annual, two oil on canvas paintings - the only
Brazilian representative).
1993 - Exhibition at the Lausanne Gallery, Rio de Janeiro.
1996 - Exposition at Studio 10 Gallery.
1997 - HC Gallery -
1998 - Individual exhibition at the José Braz Salon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
2000 - Mention in the German Arts Dictionary - Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon - edited in Berlin.
2000 - Mention in the 50th Year Commemorative Edition of the Brazilian Academy of Fine Arts book.
2001 - 1st Map of the Arts - Barra of Tijuca, Itanhangá and Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro. Artists' Ateliers open to the public.
2002 - 2nd Map of the Arts - Itanhangá, Barra da Tijuca and Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Artists' Studios open to the public.
2004 - Cover (Archangel Michael oil on canvas painting) and main article in the Brazilian bilingual Art Magazine, "Espaço da Arte".
2008 - Honored with MEDAL OF VERMEIL by the Societé Académique des Arts, Sciences et Lettres, for the relevant services rendered in behalf of Art and Culture.
2008 - Honored with Medal and Diploma for the relevant services rendered in behalf of Art by the Casa-Museu Maria da Fontinha, Castro Daire, Portugal
-Full member of the National Society of Fine Arts, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Erna Y is cited in the Dictionary of the Plastic Arts in Brazil.
- Erna Y is cited in the Brazilian Dictionary of Plastic Artists.
- Erna Y was invited to expose her paintings and tapestries at the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL), in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the then President of Brazil, Joao Figueiredo,and the former ones, Ernesto Geisel and Emilio G. Médici.
- For the last few years Erna has been creating and exposing her works in her residence, which is also her atelier.


1991 - bust of the Baron of Ayuruoca, founder of Barra Mansa, RJ.
1991 - bust of the Baron of Guapy, Barra Mansa, RJ.


Prof. Austregesilo of Athayde; Prof. Aarão Benchimol; Mrs. Sara Kubistscheck; Former President Janio Quadros; Ambassador Camara Canto; Carlos Manga; Mrs. Suzete Dourado; Mrs. Maria Helena Peres; Archbishop of Belo Horizonte; Archbishop of Mariana - D. Oscar, Archbishop of Quito, Ecuador; Rui Barbosa (ABL); Coelho Neto (ABL); Alcino Guanabara (ABL); Alberto de Oliveira (ABL); Andre Doria (ABL); Joaquim Nabuco (ABL); Machado de Assis (ABL); Medeiros de Albuquerque (ABL); Franklin Doria (ABL); Baroness of Muriaé (for the Brazilian Academy of Letters of Campos, RJ); Emperor D.Pedro II; Empress Teresa Cristina.


1968 - 1st Exhibition at the Fátima Arquitetura and Interiors Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
1969 - Individual exhibition at the Cia. Financeira Residência Art Gallery, Rio de January, RJ.
1974 - John Sommer - The Pewter Shop, São Paulo, SP.
1975 - Chelsea Gallery, São Paulo, SP.
1975 - Cluny Tapeçarias, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

- Individual in the Iate Clube of Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
- Erna was jury several times at the Naval Club's Art Salon, Rio de Janeiro,RJ.

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